My Beloved Kids: Summer Kids caring against disease!

Summer Kids caring against disease!

Summer Kids caring against disease!

When the summer season comes, children are most likely to get affected with common summer illnesses like sore throat, cold, fever etc. However, if you take right precautions, you can prevent the common summer illnesses in children. Let's know about the common summer illnesses in children and how to prevent them.

Summer means schools being over children stay at home or spend time as they want. This needs lot of attention and attentiveness which is no always possible for working parents. However, if you are aware of the common illnesses in summer season you can take the preventive measures and make your kids enjoy the vacation at the fullest.

If your child is feeling fatigued most of the time in summer, do not panic because it can be due to the summer season. It can also be because your child is suddenly free from the tight routine of going to school and coping with the studies and home works and so he is feeling lazy and fatigued too. However, there are certain common infections that occur in summer and you should be familiar with them and the causes and symptoms too.
Common illnesses in summer.

Here are some of the common summer illnesses which can be observed in children.


Sunstroke can happen if anyone goes out in sun without taking proper care of hydrating himself. Sudden exposure to heat can give heatstroke and the person suffers from fever, sometime very high too.


The body heat most often erupts in the form of boils on different parts of the body. Take proper and professional advice in this case.


In addition to sun allergy and heat allergy there are many other types of allergies seen in small children and adults too.

Water Borne Diseases

Water borne diseases like cholera, typhoid, jaundice, dysentery, amoebiosis, diarrhea and many more are commonly seen especially among those who are used to eating outdoors.

Food Borne Diseases

Bacteria thrive in warm and moist environment and so food poisoning and occurrence of diseases due to food infection is more during summer days.

Mosquito Borne Diseases

Accumulation of water here and there generates the number of mosquitoesand hence dengue, malaria and other diseases caused by mosquito bite are commonly seen.


This is one of the diseases caused by viruses found in summer. Children feel slight throat infection and fever. Meningitis and/or paralysis occur within few days. Thankfully, if your child has been vaccinated, you do not have to worry about this.

Tips for Preventing Summer Illnesses in Children

• Avoid giving cut fruits and food items from roadside vendors to your children. Also avoid cooking spicy and fried food items for children. Stick to fresh fruits, green vegetables and fresh fruit juices.

• Encourage your children to increase intake of water. Make sure that the water is properly purified and free from germs and viruses.

• Take lot of fluid when traveling or when going outdoors for a long time with kids.

• Provide food rich in fiber to your kids. Pay attention to their diet and right nutrition.

• Give lemon juice, coconut water and other natural fluids to your children as they help in hydrating from within. They have lots of nutrition that your child’s body needs at this time.

• Make your child wear light weighted and loose fitting clothes preferably made of natural fibers.

• Exercise with your kids early in the morning or late evening to avoid over exhaustion.

Since you are aware of the common illnesses during summer season, you should take necessary precautions to keep your child healthy and safe. Make sure you take care of sun safety, water safety and avoid insect bites during summer season.

Pay attention to intake of water and nutritious diet in summer. Increase intake of fresh fruits and insist on making your children take minimum two baths daily to stay cool and infection free.

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