My Beloved Kids: A discussion about bringing up our children!

A discussion about bringing up our children!

Bringing up our children is not so easy, it is most responsible and satisfying task we do in our life. We can say that it is the job which has the priority of our responsibilities in life.

Usually, our knowledge about raising children comes from our surroundings and our parents' raising us experience. This experience which they acquired from their own parents. It is just a social experience repeated from generation to the following one until it reached or children.


We have to consider that we role models!

We have to realize that parents are the most effective role models our children can have. If we show respect, kindness, honesty, friendliness, hospitality, and generosity to our children that will encourage them to have us as role models and behave in the same way as we do.

So, we should express our unconditional love for our children. Also we should provide them with continued support they may need to have self confidence and happiness.


Ethical boundaries are necessary to be reasonable!

Ethical Discipline is crucial specially while bringing up our children. Our children should learn reasonable ethical boundaries as you’re your children learn through discipline, they learn and understand well that some behaviors are acceptable and other behaviors are unacceptable.

Thus, setting ethical boundaries for our children do help them to know and learn how to behave in their society and surroundings.

The difficulty of setting discipline is that it needs consistency. Parents' job is twenty four hours job, and the e rules of the role model should be applied all the time.

Put into your mind! and remember very well!, inconsistency and the absence of discipline create confused and rootless children. So, parents must put in the effort every time to provide consistent ethical boundaries to their own children.

The absence of children and parents from each other!

The time which both parents and children spend with each other is very valuable. Nowadays, it's very difficult to find time to spend together with each other as a family. Usually, parents are involved in their work which limits their time preventing them from having enough time to spend with their children. Moreover, children too are involved in their school and other homework and different activities.

Try, as much as you can, to save some time, such as during breakfast time or lunch time while your family is together, especially if you understood that fixed routines are very important for children.

Mealtimes are very important. They can provide you with a perfect opportunity to talk about each other about you daily life matters, events, everyday situations … etc. Everyone should participate the conversation and parents should pay attention and show their interest in what they are saying.

You should make that as a family rule that all family members eat together and stay at the table until everyone else has finished eating his meal. This will give a good chance to have a good period of time and a good opportunity for conversation.

One of most times children prefer is to have a special day which is reserved for special activities. For example; one day of the week with father in the library afternoon, or a day of the week swimming with Mum. Also, we can specify a day for family ties which strengthen families' relationships. Moreover, we have to give the children to take part in planning activities.

Train your children how to think and talk!

Offering explanations will help children work matters out for themselves. Take time to point out how things are connected, for example, in terms of cause and effect.

Parents, who think out loud with their children, will see them develop a similar train of thought. They will learn to talk and think in a more sophisticated way.

If parents express emotions and feelings, their children will learn it's okay to do the same.
When your children want to talk or ask questions, encourage them. If you're dismissive, or always say you're too busy, they may express frustration and stop wanting to share their thoughts and feelings.

If the family has a problem that concerns your child, involve them in the discussion. Try to find possible solutions together with him or her.

When discussing options, also talk about consequences. The possible outcome will influence your final decision. Be open to the child's suggestions. Let them take part in the negotiations and the decision.

A child who experiences this kind of communication will become confident and learn the rules of good communication.

All what we want is your satisfaction

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