My Beloved Kids: How can I make a timeline style for my baby?

How can I make a timeline style for my baby?

First of all, put into your consideration that it is very normal matter for newborn babies to have their own unpredictable habits of sleeping and nutrition. They may also mix the day and the night times. So, don't interrupt their timeline style with sudden changes. Be patient, it is a matter of time to let him follow the timeline you desire with some little effort from you.

In fact, you have to respect his timeline style and try to watch and notice carefully all the indications he sends to tell you he is hungry, or that he got his satisfaction of his meal.

After good understanding of his indications, there are some things you can do for lobbing your baby and making him follow a table of particular timeline style. Let's see how we can do this;

Modify his schedule in a regular way, step by step.

Bath your baby and take him out for a walk for some time at the same time every day. This is what we call (Learning in conjunction). This will make your baby be used to the daily routine idea. He will feel comfortable to this idea. Thus you have started to make him get used to and understand that life is a set of routine business. This will make it easy later to modify all his schedule timeline style concerning all his matters such as sleeping, nutrition … etc.

Modify his timeline style concerning breastfeeding!

Sometimes you notice that your child sleep at the end of breastfeeding process. Here, he gives you indication that he got enough. Sometimes he sleeps during the breastfeeding process without getting his complete meal. He does this just get some sleep and get up again after half an hour to complete his meal as he is still hungry. So, during lactation don't feed him to glut if he is still awake, because in this case, he stopped because he got enough. But if you noticed that he is going to sleep, try to be sure he got enough before sleeping and don't let him sleep by playing some dynamic music which takes his attention, talk to him, or even change his diaper in the middle of the meal.

During breastfeeding try to offer both breasts and be sure he got his complete meal. This will make him sleep longer between meals. If your child is a weak sucker, you have to massage your breast yourself to make it easy for the baby to get his enough.

Remember that there are Individual differences among babies. Some babies are able to empty the breast completely within 4 to 5 minutes, others take about 15 to 20 minutes to do.

Pay attention to your baby's routine,

When your child is newborn baby, feed him whenever you notice that he is hungry. That may happen 12 times a day during the first few weeks. It will reach gradually to 18 times a day. Here you have to begin thinking of making a suitable timeline style for his nutrition.

All what we want is your satisfaction

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